Gurbaksh Chahal | If today was your last day, what would you do differently?

Gurbaksh Chahal | If today was your last day, what would you do differently?

Life is the toughest sport. And, in this sport, I’ve realized in order for you to survive, become successful, and stay successful you must grow a very thick skin. Grow a thick skin—a very thick skin. People will question your ability to succeed, and the loudest among them might make you doubt your own talents, […]

Gurbaksh Chahal | Miracles are just a shift in perception from fear to love by Gurbaksh Chahal

Gurbaksh Chahal | Miracles are just a shift in perception from fear to love by Gurbaksh Chahal

“A miracle is just a shift in perception from fear to love.” -Marianne Williamson A friend recently read this to me, and it hit me in a big way. The deeper I thought about the message attributed in this quote, the more I realized how life as we know is defined by fear and love. And…