Gurbaksh Chahal | Don’t Play the Game. Change the Game.
If you play the game of routine, you’ll never understand the game of disruption.
Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting scattered results was defined as insanity, famously by Einstein.
As humans, we look for comfort, security, and happiness. Although most will only achieve two, humans tend to adapt quickly to steady routines.
We, as humans, are a group like none other. We play it safe. Instilled in our head lays a set blueprint of expectations. Whether this is the typical 4 years of high school, to 4 years of college, to a corporate job, and throughout those years there you wait for a promotion; we all assume there is some sort of set regimen.
There is nothing wrong craving stability. There are few things that can surpass the mental security of finding a comfortable groove in life. Especially when it goes the way we plan, with minimal road bumps.
But, think about this. During your daily routine, when do you take a minute to look around. When do you take a minute to think “Well, maybe today I’m going to do it this way instead of my same routine” or instead of “I can do this later, I wanna start this now.” When do you take a moment about leaving that safe circle of your daily routine?
Few people can say “I didn’t want to do it this way, so I made my own way.” I applaud you. You’re the reason we have some of the worlds greatest technologies, products, and services. But for the rest, I just want to remind you. Fear is your worst enemy. Risk is your best friend.
We live one short life. We hear it from our parents, our friends, and even pop culture. We should never be satisfied with what we have. We should be wanting more, and want it badly. You will never truly discover yourself without taking chances, and stepping in the “Danger zone.”
“You’ve got one life, one shot, and all the power to make it happen. Get ready to dream big and live big. It’s all up to you. And it starts now.”
Don’t Play the Game. Discover yourself, and change it.
Chairman & CEO, ProcureNet | Founder, Chahal Foundation | 3 Exits $400MM+ | 4X Entrepreneur | Author | Guest Lecturer |Hong Kong | Bay Area
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