Gurbaksh Chahal | It’s a sad day when the North Korean government can keep a Japanese corporation from making money off the American people.
Update. Props to Sony Pictures in making the right decision and releasing the movie online. You can stream it on YouTube for $5.99 here: The Interview.
This past week, Sony violated the United States Constitution on their decision to delay their release of “The Interview.” Since the first trailer, the movie had been deemed heavily controversial with assassination scenes of Kim Jong-Un.
Taking this topic back to America, what does this say? We have now let cyber terrorists over-rule our constitution. They’ve claimed theaters that show “The Interview” should expect some surprise in turn. And, in response, Sony decided to shut down the release of the movie.
We have now let terrorists hold the higher power with our constitution. We have let them dictate when we release a movie. We have let them dictate that it’s okay to post a threat, because we will back down. We have let them dictate how we see our country in a worldview. We have let them dictate that we are weak. And, we have let them dictate how and when the United States of America cannot stand by its constitutional rights.
As the world’s largest super power, we are suppose to lead by example. Is the United States of America really the world’s greatest nation, anymore? What does this move by Sony say about our rights? What does it say about our freedom of speech, our first amendment? Are we going to be engrossed with fear and back down every time there is a threat?
Sony has taken this issue under their control, but it’s not an issue to do with Sony anymore. It’s an issue of our government and rights. If there was a real threat to our nation, our government would have already stepped in and taken action.
I am glad President Obama vocalized his opinion, but actions speak louder than words. And, politicians are great at talking, and less at executing. Whether it is the President, Congress, or Senate, they should have stepped up and vocalized their support to release this film not after Sony had already made their decision.
This is what America should be about – protection of human rights and honoring in what we believe. If we can’t do just that, then we have a problem. And, what’s the first step in solving a problem? Is recognizing we have one. When will our government wake up?
If people can get so wound up on the second amendment, and the NRA can make it virtually impossible for gun control laws to be implemented, even after the sickening Newtown massacre. Then why are people not stepping up, and talking about the first amendment? Why is our nation full of fear? In my mind, what scares me isn’t a cyber threat, its implementing proper gun control laws. Yet, somehow, we can’t pass any laws on gun control – and politicians only step up to vocalize how they feel, when it’s convenient for them. For Votes?
If we can’t pass a law on gun control, an issue, which has taken more lives in America than any other country, are we going to end up as a nation which revokes our right to speak as well? Our right to be comedic? Our right to create satires? If so, what’s the difference between us and a communist state?
I actually support Mitt Romney’s proposal – to release the movie for free on the Internet, allowing no threat and distribution to the public. And, in turn, people can voluntarily donate $5 to fight Ebola.
If I were you, Sony, I would take this seriously. You’re now the center of attention. Consider your $44 million cost of making this movie a write off and release it online, and you can consider it a gift to the first amendment.
It’s a sad day when the North Korean government can keep a Japanese corporation from making money off the American people.
Chairman & CEO, ProcureNet | Founder, Chahal Foundation | 3 Exits $400MM+ | 4X Entrepreneur | Author | Guest Lecturer |Hong Kong | Bay Area
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