The Sky is Not the Limit | 2022 Redux
The sky’s the limit. That’s how the saying goes.
It simply indicates the notion that if we want, we as humans can achieve anything. That we can reach beyond the so-called bounds set around planet Earth and enjoy a taste of limitless success.
The trouble is, I don’t think that term is relevant any longer. While it might have been relevant at a time when humans were still Earth-bound, today in 2022, when we’re thinking about space tourism, why be limited by the sky at all?
Honestly, if you think about it, the sky is simply the backdrop against which celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, and stars appear visible to us. But it’s definitely not the bounds of planet Earth. Rather, it’s a curtain that hides behind it the limitless possibilities of outer space.
Where there are multitudes of opportunities left for us to explore!
Potential Unlimited
For humans, the sky was once a thing of fear and wonder, from where the gods and their wrath came down in the form of rain, thunder, and storms. Today, we’ve learned to traverse the same sky for our needs.
Whether it’s traveling by airplane or predicting the weather, the sky is no longer a mystery to us. Rather, it’s another playground where we once-Earthlings have established our dominion. So, why simply shoot for those known frontiers when we can be fearless and go beyond to achieve anything our heart desires?
After all, human potential goes way beyond the limits of the sky. With the right character, willpower, and confidence, you can achieve whatever you want to achieve. You can rise from the dust to reach the highest echelons of humanity. It’s a simple process.
If you can think it, you can do it.
The trouble is, for most people, taking the initial germ of a desire and turning it into action, into deeds that lead to creating a business that employs hundreds, perhaps thousands, is an immensely challenging procedure.
After all, it’s taking a step into the unknown, which can be scary. But the moment you can breach that pall of fear and move forward, you’ll enter a world of wondrous joy, immense excitement, and unlimited pleasure that comes with the satisfaction of achievement.
While speaking of this, I’m reminded of a quote by Marianne Williamson:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.” Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? ”
The Future Is Now.
Just looking at humanity today fills me with hope and happiness, and affirms my belief that the mind of man is limitless. Just take a look at how far we’ve come from simple simian cave-dwellers. The very pace at which technology and science are progressing is astonishing.
Whether it’s medicine, telecommunications, or space travel, we are moving forward with leaps and bounds. In fact, some futurists have been bold enough to predict that 100 years of progress in the 21st century will actually be like 20,000 years of progress.
Every moment, dramatic changes and amazing breakthroughs are disrupting the world as we know it. Be it blockchain or AI, the world today can not predict what it will be like even tomorrow.
The only question is, where do you fit into that equation?
And the answer is simple: do you want to fit in? If so, how? What’s your potential, and how would you like to contribute? Hopefully, even now, your inner voice will entice you to recognize your true potential and shake it awake.
Do not succumb to excuses, for that’s the easy way out. Taking action is the harder thing, and that’s what breeds results. Just know that when you invest your heart and soul in a project, it’s a magical, life-energizing, transformative experience. Go ahead and discover that for yourself.
Limits Are Illusions.
Don’t limit your thinking. Don’t limit yourself. Challenge yourself to achieve greatness. Find your passion. Share it with others. Collaborate. Shake off any shackles that have been holding you down. Find individuals with whom you can work who share your passion; good people who share your values and your mission.
And always ignore the naysayers, the pessimistic lot. Ignore those who would envy you, especially those who would do you or wish you ill. Never settle for ordinary, strive to be and be extraordinary.
After all, the sky can never be the limit, can it? For it’s simply an illusion made of gas and dust which is not even there in reality, just in our vision. And once you look beyond it, you can discover for yourself a whole universe of limitless possibilities.
Chairman & CEO, ProcureNet | Founder, Chahal Foundation | 3 Exits $400MM+ | 4X Entrepreneur | Author | Guest Lecturer |Hong Kong | Bay Area
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