A three-way VC-Founder-Journalist ecosystem of greed, power hunger-fame is contributing to the current Tech Fallout
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A three-way VC-Founder-Journalist ecosystem of greed, power hunger-fame is contributing to the current Tech Fallout

Greed consumes VCs at all times, which is understandable given the nature of their business. And, of course, they are numerically obsessed. When everyone starts to think they’re all “great,” they lose sight of what it takes to build real businesses, which require much more than just numbers to function. When you look back, you’ll…

Bite The Bullet

Bite The Bullet

1999 was a year which I remember only too well, and for two reasons. The first being that it was the year when I started ClickAgents, the business that was one of the turning points of my entrepreneurial journey. It was also the year when the Columbine High School Massacre shook the very fabric of…

Gurbaksh Chahal | Entrepreneur.com’s Interview during a Q&A Special for Mother’s Day.

Gurbaksh Chahal | Entrepreneur.com’s Interview during a Q&A Special for Mother’s Day.

There is no job as thankless and selfless than that of a mother. On my Facebook today, I thanked my mother for giving me the gift of life and for always being there for me. My mother is an incredible person who sacrificed a very comfortable life in India, but gave up to raise her four children…

Gurbaksh Chahal | It’s a sad day when the North Korean government can keep a Japanese corporation from making money off the American people.

Gurbaksh Chahal | It’s a sad day when the North Korean government can keep a Japanese corporation from making money off the American people.

Update. Props to Sony Pictures in making the right decision and releasing the movie online. You can stream it on YouTube for $5.99 here: The Interview. This past week, Sony violated the United States Constitution on their decision to delay their release of “The Interview.” Since the first trailer, the movie had been deemed heavily…

Gurbaksh Chahal | Revenge is Sweet. Really? Lebron James vs. Samsung

Gurbaksh Chahal | Revenge is Sweet. Really? Lebron James vs. Samsung

How should Samsung exact revenge on Lebron James? That was the question being asked by anchors on CNBC after the NBA superstar’s mega-gaffe tweeting about losing all of the data on his phone. King James, who’s a high profile part of Samsung’s $14 billion marketing campaign, tweeted to his 12 million followers: “My phone just…

Gurbaksh Chahal | Election 2016: How Big Data + Social Data Will Determine the Next President

Gurbaksh Chahal | Election 2016: How Big Data + Social Data Will Determine the Next President

The presidential election means big business for the ad industry, with a whopping $6 billion spent on 2012 election ads last year across all media according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Last year’s election broke records, both at the poll and in the boardroom, with recent figures confirming the 2012 election as the most expensive…