Gurbaksh Chahal | Happiness. Understanding Love. What Money Can’t Buy.

Gurbaksh Chahal | Happiness. Understanding Love. What Money Can’t Buy.

There’s a commercial in Thailand that powerfully demonstrates how caring for someone is more meaningful than all the money in the world. This commercial beautifully portrays  – simple random acts of kindness. Visually and verbally it reflects how small thoughtful deeds not only bring great joy to the recipients but also to the giver. I’ve…

Gurbaksh Chahal | Top 10 Characteristics of Emotionally Strong Entrepreneurs

Gurbaksh Chahal | Top 10 Characteristics of Emotionally Strong Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs inevitably encounter numerous obstacles from the first day they have a business dream. It’s an arduous journey to make and just as inevitably many business people fall at the first hurdle, or the second or third. To make the transition from would-be entrepreneur to successful entrepreneur requires an abundance of positive character traits. In…