Gurbaksh Chahal | Top 10 Characteristics of Emotionally Strong Entrepreneurs

Gurbaksh Chahal | Top 10 Characteristics of Emotionally Strong Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs inevitably encounter numerous obstacles from the first day they have a business dream. It’s an arduous journey to make and just as inevitably many business people fall at the first hurdle, or the second or third. To make the transition from would-be entrepreneur to successful entrepreneur requires an abundance of positive character traits. In…

Gurbaksh Chahal | Why It’s Better To Be The Best Rather Than The First

Gurbaksh Chahal | Why It’s Better To Be The Best Rather Than The First

So many entrepreneurs want to have first-mover advantage. You feel compelled to get your breakthrough product into the marketplace ahead of the competition. You want the bragging rights of being the first and, of course, you know that because you’re ahead of the pack you will easily establish a dominant position. Right? Except, it’s not…

Gurbaksh Chahal | All the Major Companies worth less than WhatsApp

Gurbaksh Chahal | All the Major Companies worth less than WhatsApp

Today, Facebook announced the acquisition of WhatsApp, the largest acquisition of any venture backed company in history. Started in 2009, the Company only raised $8 million and today is used by 450 million users globally across their mobile devices per month. Another remarkable stat is that – it only has 50 employees and never embraced…

Gurbaksh Chahal | Job Creation and Hiring in Silicon Valley, From the Perspective of a Serial Entrepreneur

Gurbaksh Chahal | Job Creation and Hiring in Silicon Valley, From the Perspective of a Serial Entrepreneur

It’s no surprise that startups and tech companies are the forerunners in job creation, and Silicon Valley startups are leading the pack. Silicon Valley startups create 11-percent more jobs than NYC startups and 38-percent more jobs than London startups. There is endless potential for innovation at startups in the valley, and these companies are looking for the best…